Graham Knapp

Game of life in Rhino 3D

written by Graham Knapp on 2020-12-18


Prompted by this year’s Advent Of Code challenge I have implemented a 3D version of the game of life in Python in Rhino 7.

Here are some images renders from individual steps in my solution, followed by the code I used to generate them.

A rendered 3D image of dozens of white spheres, densely packed, against a white background

A rendered 3D image of dozens of white spheres, smaller and densely packed, against a white background

A rendered 3D image of dozens of white spheres, more sparsely packed, against a white background

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
from itertools import permutations
from collections import defaultdict

def conway_cubes(rounds):
    # Example from the puzzle
    state = """.#.

    new_cubes = set()
    # Build the starting grid
    for y, row in enumerate(state.splitlines()):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell == '#':

    # Initialise sets and lists 
    old_spheres = []
    # 27 neighbours
    neighbouring = set(permutations(
    # a cube is not its own neighbour

    for round in range(rounds+1):
        cubes = new_cubes.copy()
        neighbours = defaultdict(int)

        # Draw cubes and identify neighbours
        for cube in cubes:
                rs.AddSphere(cube, 0.6)
            for n in neighbouring:
                neighbours[(cube[0] + n[0],
                            cube[1] + n[1],
                            cube[2] + n[2],
                            )] += 1
        new_cubes = set()

        # Create cubes for next round
        for location, n in neighbours.iteritems():
            if location in cubes:
                if 2 <= n <= 3:
            elif n == 3:

if  __name__ == '__main__':
    conway_cubes(rounds = 6)
python rhino-3d