My version of YAGNI - "You Ain't Gonna Need It" - is a rule of three: only spend time refactoring your code when you have repeated yourself 3 times. Don't aim for truly DRY code devoid of all repetition.
I'm not saying not to apply SOLID design principles from the start - I definitely try to separate concerns, giving a single responsibility to a class or function and avoid, for instance, a single method handling file reading, data transformation and reporting. This simplicity will make it much easier to refactor the code later.
I am saying to avoid using sophisticated design patterns, architecture or abstractions before you have used of your code enough to know what is likely to change (and require encapsulation) and what will stay constant (creating a useful abstraction).
Conlin Durbin makes a similar point for front-end code in his article Stop trying to be so DRY, instead Write Everything Twice (WET).
python design-patterns